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tv   Eyewitness News at 8  CBS  July 30, 2017 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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police are searching for this man, this morning, wanted for questioning in a shooting that left a man dead in a normally quiet suburb of philadelphia. we will hear from neighbors about what they saw when gunshots rang out. rough weather ruined a start of the weekend at the new jersey shore when flooding
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turns streets into rivers. but sunday sure is a day for drying out much clearer skies ahead and sunny day to day. jantoday is sunday july 30th, carabao lets get over to meteorologist chelsea ingram with the forecast, good sunday morning, chelsea. you are calling top 10 day. >> oh, definitely low humidity , sunshine, light wind out of the north, it will be a i' tell you how long it will stick around, but, lets go outside to a live look and delae where we have tons of abundant sunshine, people enjoying the boardwalk, people enjoying the sand, and i did see earlier is a rather cool start that there were plenty of people out there with the sweat shirt, hoodies and light jacket on. now it looks like we have tutant sunshine helping to warm things up. temperatures right now are on the cooler side of things, definitely has felt more like
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a late summer early fall kind of a start to the day with temperatures in the 60's. right now around 67? philadelphia. sixty-four millville. sixty-seven in wildwood. sixty-five in atlantic city. 65 degrees also in trenton. we are cooler compared to just 24 hours ago, 6 degrees cooler in millville and wildwood, right around 5 degrees cooler in atlantic city. dew points in the 40's and 50 's. dew points tell you how comfortable it will feel outside, and today will be a extremely comfortable day, and we have more, where that came from, here's what we can expect as we head throughout the remainder of the day to day. 9:00 o'clock hour temperatures in the upper 60's, still a cool start but plenty of sunshine leading in the afternoon. temperatures in the upper 70's , low humidity, as we head into about the 3:00 o'clock hour. 81 degrees, jan. nice weather heading our way. we will let you know how long it sticks around in your full forecast coming up. >> chelsea, thank you. this morning, haverford township police have released
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pictures of the man they want to talk to about a deadly shooting that happened yesterday, evening. take a look at this officers are asking you to help identify this man. shooting happened on the 2300 block of haverford road, in delaware county, a man in his 20's was shot and killed right around 6:00 o'clock last night neighbors heard two gunshots and people yelling. >> i had one of those moments where you run toward or away? i have a eight month-old inside. so i went halfway, and that is when, you know, i placed the call to 911. >> police have not made any arrestness this case, they have not yet found a weapon, either, they are still trying to figure out what may have led up to the shooting. meantime one person is in custody after a triple shooting in north philadelphia , the shooting happened near the 1900 block of north 21st street right around 7:30 last night, two of the people shot are 24 year-old men, they were both taken to the hospital and they were in stable condition at last check, we're still
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waiting to learn more about the third victim, police have not yet said what may have led up to this shooting, officers were able to find a weapon as part of their investigation. to washington now president trump has been busy on twitter writing more than a dozen tweets criticizing congress, touting the surging stock market and calling out china brooks silva-braga has more on what the president wrote. >> reporter: president trump took aim at china day after north korea tested a missle it says can reach the u.s. i'm very disappointed in china our foolish past lieders after loud them to make hundreds of billion of dollars of year in trade but yet they do nothing for news north korea just talk we will no long's how this to continue. china could easily solve this problem. president also called on congress to give health care reform another try, unless the republican senators are total quitters repeal and repraise is not dead he wrote, demand another vote before voting on any other bill. trump will soon push his
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agenda with the help of a new chief of staff. >> i think actually going in a different direction hitting a reset button is a good thing. >> reporter: reince priebus is out, home land security secretary general john kelly is in. >> priebus made rookie mistake after rookie mistake. >> reporter: author chris whip le studied presidential chief of staff and said priebus didn't have enough authority to control white house personnel or tell the president hard truths but did he have experience with congress on capitol hill. >> now kelly, he doesn't really know the hill. generals have not done well in this position. >> reporter: priebus says he will stay on for two weeks to help kelly with the transition , the white house also signalled the president will sign a new package of russian sanctions congress passed this week. brooks silver brag for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> u.s. is showing its support for south korea. it sent two super sonic bombers over the korean peninsula in a show of korean me
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tests, this is video from the u.s. air force, in a statement the u.s. pacific air forces escd by south korean fighter jets. they have performed low pass over a air baseea before returning to qualm. earlier the u.s. and south korea conduct a live fire joint exercise, miss were also fired in territory waters off south korea's east coast, south cover reace working with the u.s. to install an advanced american missle defense system, they are concerned about the growing missle threats, for north korea. our alliance, readiness and ability to fight together when called upon to achieve is achieved through frequent, realistic, combined training like today's activities. >> now, on friday north korea test fired a second intercontinental ballistics missle that landed off the coast of japan. in other news, hundreds of cyclist are on their way to
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atlantic city. they have started their ride in philadelphia right around 7:00 o'clock this morning. here they are as they crossed ben franklin bridge, this is the 30th yet annual irish pub tour to shore. it raises money for families of the fallen first responders ben franklin bridge was closed until 8:00 this morning to clear the way for those bike riders. organizers say the ride has raised more than a million-dollar this year. a nice day for it. a nice day for this, more than 100 cars will be on display for to you check out today, it is 12th annual east passyunk car show and street festival. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live to explain, hi there, anita? >> reporter: good morning, jan , well, as you can see there are tons of cars, already lining up, and here's behind me thinks called galaxy wagon just one of more than 140 different kind of cars that you can expect to see here this morning. what is special about this car it is completely custom design also, the owner of this car
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had his daughter record voice memo explaining everything that you need to know about this car and it will be playing as people walk by. but here to my left there is another car thaw will want to see. it is a modern classic car, owner is here in roxborough his name is bob rosa. bob, you have been doing this car show for years. can you explain what you brought here and why is it so special. >> it is special because it was only made for four years. this is last year of production. it is only color you can get that year. that is why it was so special to find it and finally grab one of these cars. classic already. although it is only a decade old but it is already a classic. >> what does it mean to be here with like minded people and those hoff such similar interest and to see these cool cars here. >> exactly some stuff you have never seen before, absolutely beautiful cars. you get to talk to people who share your passion.
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it is fun. the community comes out. it is a great day to be with a club like our club the contenders, and just have a ball with a bunch of people that share your passion. >> reporter: i do see that you take so much pride in this car , waxing it down and what kind of workings into this. >> it is all maintaining it, keeping it clean, keeping maintenance done. generally what do you to your home car but just a little bit more involved. >> reporter: just a little bit more involved. if you want to check out the car show, you can, it kicks off at 11:00 and will end at 4:00, free to anyone who wants to come down but food and drinks are pay as you go. live from east passyunk i'm anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> they have a great day to day, thanks, anita. a special honor for a philadelphia hero and a pioneer. >> ♪
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colonel guyan blueford, the first african-american in space was celebrated in fairmount park, yes says it was within of the most important nights of his life. and after all that rain on saturday, what shore officials are saying about the flood that left many beaches under
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but i know it won't be easy. how will i keep up with everyday expenses: rent, food, bus tickets? >> joe: hi. this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to offer the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including emily. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at >> emily: start saving to live independently today.
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a philadelphia man is dead after being struck by lightening in florida, he has been identified as 35 year-old lemar rayfield, the man was on the shore, in satellite beach, florida friday afternoon. that is south east of orlando, that is when he and another man were hit, life guard there gave cpr to rayfield but he died at the hospital. the other man was also taken to the hospital, and he is now in stable condition. well, flood waters receded after a day of flooding along the jersey shore and a few shore resorts streets looked more like rivers. ocean city was one of the hardest hit areas.
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neighbors say flooding began friday night along haven avenue and some of the streets there but some people did not let that flooding ruin their weekend plans. they paddled through, while others decided to wait it out. >> we usually bring it to the beach but we thought it would be nice day to just travel down the streets of the ocean city. >> really gross, i mean it is all coming up from the sewer system. i see it as a little bit disgusting. >> she's not amused. national weather service reports that the heaviest rainfall was reported in atlantic city which got 5.8 inches of rain. as shore dried out crews were checking to see if the beach there was able to hold their own against the storm, "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan went to ventnor to check it out himself. >> reporter: windy but dry evening in ventnor just pleasant enough for people to venture outside after what felt like a monsoon, passed through the shore. >> we were stuck inside most
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of the day, honestly. this is our first time, getting out. >> reporter: while many people checked out the big surf the storm left behind, ventnor commissioner lance lanecraft oversees public works department was checking out how beaches fair. >> minimal erosion on the beaches. our dune system works here this storm wasn't long enough to chew the beach up as much as it could have. fit stayed here two or three days, then we would have more erosion on our beaches. >> reporter: in the beginning of the week heavy rainfall caused another kind of beach problem, too much bacteria high bacteria counts. forced atlantic city and all ventnor beach toes close on wednesday. extras say too much animal way and other bacteria filled pollutants washed in the shore waterways because of the rain. could this storm cause same bacteria problem. several local officials i spoke with don't believe it will be an issue. rough surf could move bacteria filled water out to sea quickly and only a few days passed for way to collect on land. >> my hope is that last rain on monday flushed out the
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systems pretty well, the pipes that bring water to the ocean. so that hope, we hope that has flushed that bacteria out and we won't that have problem again. >> reporter: throughout the somerdale bacteria testing is done on beach's long the coastline. we could get more information if there is a bacteria issue by monday. in ventnor i'm cleve bryan for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the high wind, strong surf , also ruined the day at beach for vacationers all up and down thee coast, red flag warnings for posted to keep people out of the water in monmouth county, waves were between six and 7 feet and the rip current risk was high. flash flooding did some damage near pittsburgh too, fast moving water, knocked down fences and carried away a cow and her two calves there. neighbors used a lasso to catch the animals and pull them to safety. heavy downpours sent water and mud cascade nothing neighborhood in north -- northern west virginia rather. residents say they did not see this one coming. the governor has declared a
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state of emergency. chelsea, it was just a messy day out there yesterday all along the east coast. >> it was but things are looking so much better for so many of us today as we head into this afternoon, jan. we're talking about sunshine, roar humidity as well, and forecasting this to be a top 10 day with these conditions, as we head in the afternoon. look the a the blue skies, the skies over center city, wall to wall sunshine from the poconos, all the way down to the shore. we have a clear scan right now on storm scan three, things are quiet, high pressure in control, and that is going to be the case for the next couple of days. i will show you who thaw plays out in just a bit. temperatures are check in the 60's, 65 in cherry hill. sixty-four in millville. down short in wildwood it is 65 degrees. also 65 right here in atlantic city. in the city 67. we have had 64 in palmyra. sixty-five in trenton as well as mount holly and then outside near allentown 63 degrees. sixty-four in quakertown.
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it is 60 degrees currently in the mount pocono. those wind coming out of the north today work that norther ly component and we are pulling in dryer, cool air air high temperatures will be below average for this time of the year and we're also pulling in that very comfortable air, with those dew points in the 40's and 50 's, remember, dew point is measure of absolute moisture in the atmosphere that tells you how comfortable it feels outside. fifty-one right now in philadelphia, 54 in allentown, so it is feeling literally awesome. that would be the case heading in to the afternoon, dew point s will slowly rise over next couple of days but to start out with the workweek feeling very pleasant as far as comfort index is concerned. tuesday not bad, by wednesday we will have a return, from that steam factor because dew points are on the rise, more in the mid to upper 60's but high pressure continues to build in over the next couple of days, and a gorgeous afternoon, for us, with that wall to wall sunshine, mostly
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clear skies as we head in the overnight hours. tonight a beautiful day to start with plenty of sunshine, slightly warmer then today. seasonal and normal for this time of the year by monday afternoon. on tuesday starting out dad which sunshine. great weather by pool side, 88 . nice day. uv index is high so latter up the sun screen. same thing for those of you who are perhaps going down the shore, mostly sunny skies on the sand, temperatures mid where from the upper 70's to lower 80's. those wind out of the northeast at 15 to 20. we have a high risk for rip currents so swim on those guarded beaches. here's a lot your forecast for today in philadelphia, most lid sunny, low humidity, 83 degrees so that high temperature as we head in the overnight hours tonight. mostly clear, cool, 66 degrees for the overnight low. you're witness weather seven day forecast 87 degrees on monday with low humidity, still, sunshine and warmer on tuesday, and then we will creep backup to the 90's by
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tuesday, a high of 90 degrees. ninety-one on wednesday. it is hot, humid. jan, as we head in the end of the week and weekend we are going to bring back the risk for some showers and thunderstorms, so enjoy the next few days. >> i definitely, thanks. 8:19. time to check the road. lets go over to amanda muhler in the cbs-3 traffic center. >> hi there, jan. good news for drivers on the schuylkill expressway, earlier eastbound construction we have been talking about all morning is finally clear, we're taking a live look at 76 near conshohocken curve. we had a disable vehicle blocking traffic several minutes ago and that is cleared as well. only problem drivers should have driving in the city right now that is sun glare. turning now to south philadelphia passyunk bridge is closed completely for the rest of the day to day due to construction work and that is scheduled to open up tomorrow morning, and, of course, use the platt bridge as your alternate there. finally we're taking a live lot at ben franklin bridge, that is now opened, to traffic, again, after this morning's tour of the shore and everything is running smooth lid in and out of the
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city, in the cbs-3 traffic certainty i'm amanda muhler now back to you. thanks, amanda. well, philadelphia celebrated a native son this past week who became first african-american in space, colonel guyan blueford was born and raised in west philadelphia and "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt was at the mann music center for the celebration. >> ♪ >> reporter: journey through space and time at mancenter in philadelphia thanks to the talent of the philadelphia orchestra and mann center choir. this night belonged to nasa astronaut colonel guyan blue ford who watched the concert with pride. >> i talked very grateful. i was just in awe of the work and the piece. >> reporter: blueford grew up in philadelphia, graduating from overbrook high school in 1960.
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became an oz tro thought in 1979 and went up in space in 1983 when he became the first african-american astronaut in space a trip he looks back on fondly and frequently. >> flying in space is a great experience. i'm a flyer. >> reporter: man honored blue ford's seventh fifth birthday with a concert featuring classical music and commissioned piece titled hold fast to dreams written by no land williams junior. >> you cannot help but feel that great sense of, wow, this is, this is a moment, you know , this was a moment to remember and to celebrate. >> reporter: williams called blueford his role model. >> a real american hero, 144 flight missionness vietnam over 700 hours in space. i mean he is a true hero. >> reporter: blueford told "eyewitness news" this night ranks on his list of the most important nights of his life and that is saying something for a man who lived in space. >> i hope that i have served them well as a role model for
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other african americans and other people with reference to coming into the space program, coming into science and engineering and that sort of thing. >> reporter: colonel blueford said no matter where his job took him in or outside his atmosphere, philadelphia was always a great influence. reporting from the mann center for performing arts, david spunt, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> great role model indeed. coming right back we will be right back with brothers and preview of their interviews on sun
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♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads.
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trading in our selling your car is hassle-free with just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now. ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ at is there one group that stand the test of time. here's cbs maurice dubois with the icily brothers in a interview you will see later
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on cbs sunday morning. >> ♪ >> a safe guess, whatever your age, the icily blotters are the sound track of your life. >> ♪ >> remember when you first heard this one. >> ♪ you make me want to shout ♪ >> reporter: ron icily remembers everything. >> audience used to go crazy. we would go craze which them. >> how about this one. >> isly. >> and where were you when you first heard the sub lime sexy between the sheets. >> ♪ between the sheets >> well, that is your business >> how many babies are walking around because of that song. >> generations. >> ♪ >> reporter: generations have
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kept the isly brothers on top of the charts for six decade and counting. >> it is something that we worked on for all of those years, you know, to want to be number one, want to be on top, so that has been very important for us. >> reporter: that voice, it is still perfect, it is boot full >> the beatings on with the is ly brothers, plus, work free summer fridays on a special addition of sunday morning sunday at the shore, that is this sunday morning right here on cbs-3 starting at 9:00 a.m. still ahead here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" new study on football players and disease known as cte. what researchers found in the brains of more than 200 former players. plus, science fiction on becomes reality where some employees are getting micro chipped implanted in their hand and why their boss is asking them to go under the
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knife. and a beautiful day to start the workweek, meteorologist chelsea ingram has more on the weather for end of our weekend so we are back in a
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we are starting a nice stretch in the delaware and lehigh valleys with meteorologist chelsea ingram with eyewitness weather. chelsea, a lovely day head. >> good morning, everyone, exactly right, plenty of sunshine in the forecast for today. temperatures a cool start, 63 in allentown. sixty in mount pocono. sixty-seven in philadelphia we are in the mid 60's in millville. right around 65 in atlantic city. we are cooler compared to this time yesterday but dew points are extremely comfortable out there we're talking summer 40 's and 50's that tolls you how comfortable it will be
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this afternoon. things are looking great in the delaware and lehigh valleys. we have current dew point of 51 in philadelphia. fifty-four allentown. very dry 48 degrees in mount pocono. so here's what you can expect as we head throughout your sunday, tons of sunshine, in the forecast, by the noon time hour around lunchtime, 78 degrees. plenty of sunshine. low humidity all the way through afternoon, 3:00 p.m. looking for a temperature of 81. i will let you know how long this sticks around in your full forecast, coming up, jan. >> thank you. police in delaware county are trying to identify ray man seen in some surveillance pictures, and they want to talk to him about a deadly shooting, that happened yesterday evening. take a look now, they want to help figure on you who this man is, shooting happened on the 2300 block of haverford road in delaware county. a man in his 20's was shot and killed right around 6:00 o'clock last night. officers have not yet made any arrests and they are still trying to figure out what may have led up to the shooting.
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police say a man was stabbed to death inside of a homeless shelter in philadelphia's spring garden center, neighborhood, this happened inside sunday breakfast mission, on the 300 block of 13th street, just after 9:30 saturday morning. police, took one person in custody there and authorities say that detectives recovered a weapon, so far, there is no word what led to that stabbing a camden family is heart broken and devastated today a four year-old girl is dead after a house nair we told but yesterday morning. that little girl was four year-old leani williams. when the fire broke out in the 1200 block of morton street friday night she never made it out. williams uncle and his wife actually tried to save her and four other young children inside that home at the time of the fire. >> everybody was in the back room asleep, and we brought her to the middle room and dropping them down from. just trying to take it all in, it doesn't seem real right now
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>> reporter: neighbor helped catch three little girls and one boy as they were rescuing people from that home, fire began in the first floor living room and quickly spread , the cause of the fire is still under investigation, the fire displaced four families in all, the red cross is now assisting. birthday fire works for blame for a fire that broke out on stage in a music festival in spain. take a look this all happened last night at the tomorrow land music festival in barcelona, and more than 22,000 people were forced to leave that festival, crews were able to put out the fire and no one was hurt. but you can see the fire covered almost the entire stage, wow. largest study to dayton former football players found evidence of a brain disease in nearly all of them. in this einstein health care science center report, health reporter stephanie stahl breaks down the details report signs found evidence of brain
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disease in nearly all 202 football players examined, that includes a combination of the high school, college, and professional players, and it is biggest update on chronic encephalopathy or cte a disease linked with repeated blows to the head. >> the first time that this comprehensive work has been produced in one place and it is very important, critical finding. >> reporter: doctor madeline depasquale, clinical neuro psychologist with moss rehab as part of the einstein health says cte can include memory loss, impaired judgment, aggression and depression. new research comes from boston university's ct e-center, examining brain tissue donated from deceased former football players. >> we are learning more about the long term consequences of playing football. >> reporter: impact was especially significant among nfl players studies, cte was found in 99 percent of them. disease confirmed only with an autopsy is marked by a build up of a abnormal protein in the brain that can disable
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neuro pathways. >> this is not about one concussion or two concussions but about repeated exposures thousands and thousands and thousands of hits over the course of a career, that can potentially lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy. >> reporter: stephanie stahl, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". now the nfl did issue a statement saying these reports are important, for science related to head trauma. after years of denials the league recently agreed to a 1 billion-dollar settlement for former players who accused the league of heeding the risks, the research continues. in other news this morning right now 2500 bicyclist are riding all the way to atlantic city, they started their ride here in philadelphia, just over an hour ago now, and here they are as they crossed ben franklin bridge, the 30th annual irish pub tour of the shore began around 7:00 a.m. at 20th and walnut in center city ride raises money for family of the first responders ben franklin bridge was closed
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temporarily to clear the way, and it is now opened again to traffic. cool cars, and good food and we know where you can find them, it is 12th annual east passyunk car show and street festival. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live in east passyunk and we hear is there even a treat for wine lovers, tell us more. >> reporter: well, that is true, jan, where ever is there good food you will find me. this morning aim joined by the chef here at barcelona wine/ bar which just opened three weeks ago. congratulations, thank you. >> reporter: so thinks inspired, you spent sometime in barcelona, tell us about the food that we can expect and your time there sure. my time over in the general coastal area was amazing, just full of life, people and amazing culture and food, especially the food, fresh sea food, fresh vegetables just amazing traditional techniques that is what i'm trying to
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bring here to barcelona here in east passyunk. >> reporter: why did you choose this area to place this restaurant. >> we like funky area and we like good, strong, communities , and we wanted to fit in with those kind of areas and communities and we're super duper, humled and honored by being here in this amazing community for restaurants here in philadelphia, in passyunk. >> reporter: weather happens to be beautiful today and all of these awesome cars behind us, so what is an event like this going to do and what does it mean to see all of this here right outside of your restaurant. >> i really dig classic cars, so like you know 69 mustang and the gto's and all that stuff just hearing the rumble of the engines, it is an absolutely a nation thing. for us it is an honor to be opened here and serving these guys with the cool cars and trucks and taking amazing care of them. look at those, they are cherry man. >> reporter: we have some pya my favorite, sangria and what else can people expect to find
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here today. >> today we will be doing the sangria, piaya and showing a lot of that heart that we have that we found over in barcelona, okay. so just that nature and beautiful, community of sharing. >> reporter: what is message you want people who kind here to take away from. >> just come on in and have some fun, share some drinks, have some laughs, have a great time with friends and we want to serve you and be very happy to have you. >> reporter: thank you. if you are interested in coming down, check out this very, very big pan behind me, that is what they are cooking up to day, very family vibe. what is going to go in here today. >> well, we're doing quite a large piaya not one we have done before but we will do something traditional with some chicken, some vegetables, safron, sofrito, olive oil, chicken stock. >> excellent. i'm excited.
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they gave me these spoons to dig in so i'm very excited, jan. i will send it back to you. if you want to kick out the car show it kicks off at 11:00 , free to the public and all this will be pay as you go live, i'm anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> that serves one, just kidding. >> it is huge. >> yep, i'm saving one for you jan, so come down. >> can't wait, thanks, anita. there is still so much more to come right here on "eyewitness news" this morning , coming up next, we will check with face the nation's john dickerson for a look ahead at today's broadcast we will be right back.
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face the nation will be coming your way a little later this morning at 10:30 right here on cbs 36789 joining with
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us a preview live, in washington is cbs news chief washington correspondent john dickerson, john, good morning. >> good morning. we have got a lot to sort through this morning latest u.s. response to the north korean missle test, it is first and then other two big stories which is chaos in the white house and reshuffling of the staff, how does president get back on track president collapse of the health care reform in the senate. we will start our conversation with arizona republican senator jeff flake who has written a new book called conscious of the conservative. we will step back. argument in the book is republican party has lost its way, lost its conservative routes and causing its problems. obviously he has some things to say about the current president. also we will talk to senator dianne finestein, top democrat on the senate judiciary committee and talk to her about health care if there is a bipartisan way forward and jeff sessions the attorney general has been criticized dave this week by the president. what does she make of. that finally she's on the intelligence committee they are looking into russian
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interference in the election, we will talk to jared kushner this week the president's son in law. we will get latest from senator fine stein. we will have new numbers from cbs news elections director an tone hoy has been running a six month project since the beginning of the trump administration looking at country not just who supports the president, by what numbers but more important why they feel the say they feel the way they do, giving them more time , people fed up, where are people in the way they evaluate the president, government and state of american life. as always we will have our reporters around the table to open up their notebooks, tell us what they know and help us understand is what coming next week. >> and whatever will we talk about a packed show as always. >> that is right. >> thanks, jon. still to come this morning what a difference a day makes chelsea ingrammys back with the big improvement in our weather up next. and new technology, from everything from id card, and is your privacy at risk, our
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jim donovan explores the controversy. then it is a taste of something different in the mushroom capitol of the world, we will show you what else is on the menu at this restaurant and owners special love story up in this weeks taste with to ri report, we will be right
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a wisconsin company claims it will be first to implant microchips in most of its employees. i don't know how i feel about this. dozens of employees and volunteers, have new high tech chips implanted but as three on your side jim donovan explains the tiny chips are also raising privacy concerns. >> reporter: by next week more than 50, three quarter market employees will have bionic hand with a credit card chip implanted near their wrist. >> it is basically a serial number assigned tour credit card. >> reporter: company is offering the chips which cost about $300 a piece to its employees for free, and the
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owner, todd wexby his wife, two children will be getting micro chipped. >> for entrance in the building, logging in the computers, making purchase necessary our break room market, things of that nature. >> reporter: three square market makes vending machines with credit card chip readers which has some experts wondering if this is all a publicity stunt. the use of the micro chipping also raises concerns about privacy, could you be giving up too much of yours with a simple wave of your hand. >> do you want someone knowing every time you enter or leave a room or use a copy machine. there is a degree of autonomy lost with this person to person, one to one tracking. you can never leave it behind. you cannot really turn it off. >> reporter: same technology that has been used for years to track lost pets being micro chipped is about the size of the grain of rice. according to those who have had one inserted, it is about as painful as getting your ears pierced. okay, if you say so. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan.
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>> i have a feeling jim wouldn't like. that i'm not in favor of that either. what i am in favor of, chelsea thinks weather we have today. >> i don't know about you, jan but aim the kind of person who likes to get out on the beach about 9:00 o'clock, no later, early reiser. and get my day started, lots of beach people already out there, today, and, setting up the spot for the day and here's why look at that abundant sunshine out there, plenty of people also walking the board getting their morning exercise in. it is a gorgeous, refreshing feeling morning. storm scan 3a reflection of those blue skies, we have clear scan, all thanks to high pressure in control. temperatures right now checking in the 60's and zero seven's now. sixty-five in atlantic city. sixty-five in wildwood. sixty-three, in pemberton. sixty-six in cherry hill. in philadelphia we are checking in the a 67 degrees. palmyra 66. sixty-five in trenton. sixty-five in mount holly. then up near allentown we are
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in the lower 60's. 63 degrees. sixty in mount pocono and 66 degrees right now in quakertown. so we have a cooler start to the day but temperatures will be warming up in the 80's as we head in the afternoon, no worries and we have wind coming out of the north. it is not as breeze any philadelphia as it was yesterday afternoon but we will have a nice breeze outside, five to 10 miles an hour out of the north here in center city. that northerly wind, northerly component is pulling in that dryer air so if you stepped outside already, perhaps to grab the newspaper, walk the dog, it feels fantastic out there. that is all thanks to the amount of moisture in the air and there is not a whole lot because dew points in the 40's and 50's out there things feeling awesome as we head into your sunday afternoon. looking good for monday as well. pleasant conditions. dew points will slowly rise over next couple days but by tuesday not too bad out there by wednesday we will have more steam factors coming into play
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high pressure builds from the west over next several days, mostly clear skies as we head in the overnight hours tonight plenty of sunshine to start out your workweek, gorgeous monday afternoon on tap and do it all over again as we head into your tuesday. a nice stretch of weather is on the way. by pool side today 83, mostly sunny and nice. uv index high. latter on that sun screen. you have to do that also down short with mostly sunny skies, on the san, temperatures anywhere from 77 to 81 degrees and in the water, 74, water temperatures warming up but we have high risk of rip current. wind northe at 15 to 20, swim on the guarded beach. for today in the city we are mostly sun which low humidity 38 degrees for that high temperature as we head in the overnight hours. tonight mostly clear, school, lows in the mid 60's, crack opened your windows and let in the fresh air like you did last night. you're witness weather seven day forecast looks like this.
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eighty-seven to start off on monday. low humidity. sunshine, warmer by tuesday, high temperatures make it to 90. we are hot and humid by wednesday, jan and then by end of the week and weekend we will bring back risk for showers and storms to the forecast but the next couple of days, looking fantastic. >> thanks, chelsea. 8:50. lets get over to amanda muhler in the traffic center. >> we are looking at route one pennsylvania i-95. we have severe sun glare but almost no volume to be seen. rest of the majors including 202, 30, boulevard, vine, schuylkill expressway all looking good this morning. don't forget to grab those sunglasses before you head out turning to south philadelphia passyunk bridge is closed completely for rest of the day due to construction work, that is scheduled to opened up tomorrow morning. you can use platt bridge as your alternate here. taking a last live look at over the tacony palmyra bridge traffic running smoothly shaping up to be a beautiful morning for a drive no matter where you are heading the in
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the cbs-3 traffic center i'm amanda muhler now back to you. all right. this is what i call must see tv, you guys, a 40 day old tiger cub made his public debut in china take a look at this, this is only second of its kind to be born there since 2015, and south china tigers are actually even more rare than giant pandas, tigers are extinct in the wild and is there only 130 of them left in captivity. breeders are keeping a close eye on this little guy. they are feed ago this animals and trying to imitate the mother's movements. i just love this let's just keep watching it, keep it rolling. >> we will be right back in a
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mushroom capitol of the world but mushrooms aren't only part of the fair attract food ease to this town n this taste with tori report our vittoria woodill introduces us to port bell owes.
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>> if you are in chester county you can find mushrooms and a whole lot more at port bell owes. >> everything from to crispy duck which is french asian. >> byob that will get you feeling good beyond the flames of their open kitchen. a lot of love in this room a lieutenant of love in this room. let's just say the flames of love are what sparks not only a marriage but a dream come true for owner brett and sandra. >> we met at the jersey shore, and neither of us was looking for a relationship. but we just click. everything we talked about we had the same ideas. we both always wanted to buy a restaurant. that was a dream. >> in the mushroom capitol of the world how could you go wrong. >> we have been doing this for decade but never been able to call somebody and have them cuss mushrooms and have them here within an hour.
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>> reporter: fresh dishes are fired out hot like brett's classic french crest with local mushrooms. >> it is just delicious: >> that went down way too easy >> that would be great, thanks , john. >> my pleasure. >> what is next. >> seared hall butt, with fa va beams with a hair lynchet machines any. >> word to describe this is just fresh. happy dance. can we wrap that up just so i can make room for next one. >> yes. >> thank you. my last course on the bed of fried truffle potatoes. >> short ribs. >> short ribs are melting every where. that is, so perfect, in every way. i'm leaving, smiling and with a few doggie bags. thanks, john. we will need one more. >> say, cheese, cake, today is
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national cheese cake day and the sweet dessert is a mixture of course of cream or cottage cheese, eggs and sugar. the crust can be made with crushed graham crackers, cookies, pastry or sponge cake in celebration cheese cake factory is offering half off any slice today and tomorrow. but here's a catch you have to eat it at the restaurant. maybe take a walk to the cheese cake factory to enjoy, indulge. >> exactly, so nice outside, nice day to walk, gorgeous. we will see tons of sunshine today. lets go to our eyewitness weather seven day forecast. eighty-three is the high forecast. for the afternoon. a gorgeous day. low humidity through wednesday it is warmer and more seasonal with a high of 87. on tuesday temperatures creep backup but humidity will be in check. high temperature on tuesday around 90. still plenty of sunshine. by wednesday we are at 91. here's where we are dealing with hot and humid conditions. as we head in the end of the week, starting thursday we will have risk for showers and
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storms, also friday, 87 degrees and then by saturday, 84 with a chance for some showers and storms. >> we needed this after yesterday's rain. >> we deserve it we got soaked , atlantic city got like 5.8 inches. >> insane. >> drying out all day to day. >> perfect, thanks, chelsea. that is it for "eyewitness news" for now, we may be signing off on tv but we are always on line at cbs philly .com. sunday morning is next, have a great day.
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: goodçó morning, i'm jane pauley and thisñi is "sundy morning." a special sunday morning that's all about having summer fun. as you can see we've abandoned our new york studio for the planting fieldñi arboretum state historic park in oyster bay, long island. that is coe hall, a mansion that even theñi fictional


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